2024 STEM Poetry Slam
STEM Poetry SLAM is an annual event by STEMedia, held virtually this year; which allows participation across the country. This performance poetry event combines Technical Intelligence with Creative Genius by providing the opportunity for talented engineering and computer science students to creatively express themselves, and increase enthusiasm about their study. Participants write and perform original pieces in the style of their choice (Comedy, Romance, Philosophy, Social Commentary, etc.) that brilliantly integrate technical (STEM) concepts and references.

Here is a playlist of sample performances: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtHOM1UVEfKARWWCstEg3mKJuPm1fPN02
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Classification/Year: *
Link to Past Performance by you (*optional):
Things to keep in mind:

• All performers must have one piece prepared.
• Poets are rated on both content and performance by preselected guest judges. Subject matter must, in some way, relate themes back to the concepts found in STEM
• Each performance must be a maximum of 4 minutes.
• No profanity, hateful, or explicit content.
• Reading from the page is allowed but may inhibit your ability to engage audience.
• No covers allowed. Each poem must be of the poet’s own creation.
All styles are welcome and encouraged: acapella hip-hop, theatrical monologues, literary poetry, sound poetry, dub poetry, rants, haikus, power raps, etc. Whatever you like. Remember you’ll be judged on delivery as well as content.

*Please note that STEMedia will film and share video of the STEM_Poetry Slam. Consent forms will be provided to each participant. Should you wish not to participate it should be made known to the event’s organizers ahead of time.


 • Presence - For the duration of the performance, the performer should seem poised and confident on stage, both spatially and with audience interactions.
 • Voice and Articulation - Performer’s voice should modulate and clearly articulate throughout the duration of the piece.
 • Poetic Resonance - Poem’s content should provide surprising and new ways of thinking. Poem’s content should adhere to the expectation of the contest (STEM) and the audience.
 • Use of language - STEM language should be creatively used, with fresh parallel uses of ideas, compelling imagery, fresh technical phrases and rhythmic lines.
 • Level of difficulty - Pieces should display complex content, sophisticated ideas, difficult vernacular, shifts in tone and mood, for the entire performance.

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